
Youth Everywhere


Youth Everywhere

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national quality label youth everywhere teacher 231.42 KB03-06-2024 Download


Class 4 A of I.T. S. Citelli of Regalbuto coordinated by the Teacher Adriana D’Arrigo this year engaged in a new project
The project aims to encourage our students to develop their English language learning skills through discovering, understanding, and commenting on the characteristics of today’s youth living in different countries. Using our project activities, Students will develop their language and digital skills, tolerance, and intercultural understanding, and enhance their capacity for social-cultural interaction.
It will last for 4 months, from December to March. Students will be in mixed international teams each month for peer learning, collaboration, and interaction effects.
Around the world, among youths, there are differences and commonalities in interests, lifestyles, fashion, habits, daily topics, education, etc. Students want to learn these commonalities and differences. In our project, they will work collaboratively, create products and socialize in mixed international teams. During the project, they will be encouraged to use web tools and English language learning skills.

Alla fine dopo tanti enormi sforzi abbiamo ottenuto il Quality label National and European.
Il lavoro degli studenti e la collaborazione con i Partner hanno soddisfatto i criteri del quadro di qualità ottenendo un punteggio elevato.